The late Rev. Julius Sasportas founded the Co-op City Baptist Church on Sunday, November 21, 1971, at 177 Dreiser Loop, Room 4, at 11:00 a.m., and nine persons joined at that time.
As news of the presence of a Baptist Church spread throughout the Co-op City community, the congregation grew. In the following weeks, the Co-op City Baptist Church formed a Senior Choir, but rehearsals were held at Pastor's home because we did not have a piano and no funds to purchase one.
Our First Lady, the late Sister Lola Sasportas, purchased the choir's first hymn books. She was instrumental in initiating many of the ministries of the Church.
Our membership grew, and we moved to a larger space at 2049 Bartow Avenue, Room 29. Fundraisers and cheerful donors accomplished our first primary goal: purchase a piano.
Our Sunday School opened its doors and continues to serve our youth and adults through classes and activities. The late Sis. Edith B. Codrington was the first Superintendent. Deacon Joyce Hamilton-Williams is our current Superintendent. Rev. Grace M. Emanuel is our first Minister of Christian Education.
In the spring of 1972, the late Sister Florence Phillips organize the Missionaries Ministry. Also, in the spring of 1972, a Senior Usher Ministry was established, and the late Sis. Lula Thompson was the first President.
In 1973, we moved to our location, 135 Einstein Loop, Room 50. We set up the Trustee Ministry during that year, and the Church was incorporated. Various ministries have been organized; The Deaconate and Deaconess Ministry, Inspirational and Youth Choir, Junior Usher Ministry, Newsletter Ministry, Pastor's Aides Ministry, Rev. Julius Sasportas Chorus, Scholarship Ministry, Willing Workers Ministry, and we began our Building Fund efforts.
On March 7, 1982, the late Brother Henry Profit became the Church's first ordained Deacon. He served faithfully until his passing in 1985.
Under the leadership of the late Rev. Sasportas, our membership increased, and the Church prospered financially. We began a mini-bus ministry outreach to further the gospel of Jesus Christ in our community.
In March 1992, the congregation elected the Rev. Dr. Sheldon E. Williams to become the second Pastor of the Co-op City Baptist Church after the retirement of our founding Pastor, the late Rev. Julius Sasportas.
On October 4, 1992, the Co-op City Baptist Church installed Dr. Williams as our new Pastor. Under his leadership, the Co-op City Baptist Church has grown spiritually, financially, and in membership.
Under his pastorate, additional ministries have been added, such as the Building Fund Ministry, the Care and Support Ministry, and the First Lady's Ministry, where our First Lady, Sis. Marilyn C. Williams is the Advisor, the Fresh Flowers Ministry, the Hospitality Ministry, the "Just for Men" Ministry, the Lay Shepherds' Pastoral Care Ministry, the Male Chorus, the Mass Choir, the Ministry Presidents, the Nurses' Ministry, the Praise Dance Ministry, the Praise and Worship Ministry, the Prison Ministry, the Steppers, the Sunrise Choir, the Video, and Audio Tape Ministry and the Young Adult Usher Ministry.
To service the growing congregation, Dr. Williams began an 8:00 a.m. worship service in September 1995. On April 30, 1997, we purchased property on Erskine Place and dedicated it on November 2, 1997. On May 14, 2005, we had our groundbreaking service and began planning the construction of our new church edifice to meet the needs of God's people more effectively.
In September 2005, under the direction of Dr. Williams, the Co-op City Intergenerational Outreach Center was organized and incorporated. The Intergenerational Outreach Center will allow the Church to provide the community with even more outreach programs designed to help today's youth. The Intergenerational Outreach Center will also implement services that will assist in the proper care of young children and senior citizens and the continuing growth of spiritual education to meet the needs of God's people both inside and outside the Church.
At the beginning of 2006, the Co-op City Baptist Church launched its website,, where you can go and obtain further information about the Church and its upcoming events.
In August 2008, we began construction on our new church edifice and outreach center. We look forward to continuing the work and completing construction soon.
In the spring of 2009, we began a Wednesday noonday worship service. This service continues to grow and has become a blessing to the community.
For several years, Dr. Williams hosted The Principle-Centered Life radio show on WMCA 570 AM Fridays at 1:30 p.m.
On October 18, 2012, our founding Pastor, Rev. Julius Sasportas, went home to be with the Lord. He will be greatly missed. He will always be remembered as a visionary and a great leader both in the Church and the community.
We pray that God will richly bless every one of you as you continue to support us in these endeavors.
Rev. Julius Sasportas